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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Reform Of Physycs


To most student, physics [is] very difficult Iesson. Difficulty [of] [all] student to physics Iesson [is] one of them caused [by] too much [his/its] [is] formula in physics Iesson. So that [all] student look into that physics [of] non interesting Iesson but boring Iesson and make the confused them.

With the fact as in to the of course we are as teacher of physics subject it is on the right track [to] look for the solution to assist they overcome the the problem, so that they [is] assisted. For that we require to make a[n change in presenting physics Iesson so that physics Iesson can be followed by [all] student easily and tidy by preoccupying

If you wish the way of to learn the physics easily and quickly please contact the us pass the our email : have the way of learning easy physics and quickly without formula

Way of the solving of physics problem without formula [is] the way of the solving of problem by emphasizing at the understanding of simple concept to finish various internal issue physics. So that [do] not need the complicated calculation, but enough use the simple penalaran. Way of this also can give the very good effect [at] process of forming of student creativity [of] because they [is] trained to develop the penalaran

Differ from the way of conventional which during the time we recognize that is student habit to memorize the formula which is many [do] not make the creative them but only strengthening their recall

So also [all] teacher which wish to innovate to [do/conduct] the renewal in interesting physics study presentation and get an impression to participant educated, we also provide the study module : way of innovation of scenario of physics study preoccupying. Preoccupying to be presented and draw to be followed the

Good luck Master Timin

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Kompetensi dasar : Besaran Fisika dan Pengukuran
1. Sebelum menjawab soal-soal berikut sebaiknya anda memahami pengertian pengertian berikut :
a. Apa yang dimaksud besaran fisika ?
b. Apa yang dimaksud dengan satuan di dalam fisika?
c. Bagaimana cara mentapkan satuan di dalam fisika?
d. Apa yang dimaksud berfikir secara ilmiah?

2. Seorang siswa mengukur panjang sebuah jembatan dengan menggunakan meteran, ia mendapatkan hasil bahwa panjang jembatan 82 meter.
Dari Contoh kasus di atas, manakah yang merupakan besaran, satuan, dan alat ukur?

3. Jika anda berpetualang ke hutan rimba Papua dan menemukan sebuah sungai yang sangat lebar tanpa ada jembatannya, Tetapi jika anda berteriak minta tolong maka suara anda masih terdengar ke seberang sungai. Menurut anda “Bagaimana cara yang paling mudah untuk mengukur lebar sungai tersebut?

4. Ada sebuah kasus “Seorang remaja putri yang sedang sakit badannya panas, sering mengigau menyebut nyebut nama pacarnya” Kemudian dibawa ke dukun A, kata dukun A anak tersebut kemasukan makluk halus. Sedang dukum B mengatakan bahwa anak tersebut kena GUNA-GUNA. Pernyataan dukun manakah yang menurut anda benar?

5. Tahukah anda bahwa sebagian ahli fisika mempercayai kalau PERASAAN CINTA dapat diukur seperti besaran-besaran fisika yang lain. Setujukah anda dengan pernyataan tersebut ? Jelaskan alasan kamu
Jika memang benar bahwa perasaan cinta dapat di ukur kira-kira besaran apa yang cocok untuk digunakan ? dan apa ya satuannya?
( ayo… cepat jawab dong! malah melamun yang nggak nggak, nanti PAK GURU JEWER baru tahu rasa?)

Jika anda merasa kebingungan, kesulitan menjawab, atau mau protes karena pertanyaannya aneh-aneh, jangan sungkan kirim aja keluhan anda melalui email :
Namanya juga Fisika asyik

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